
Stefanie Machado (she/her)

SFU PhD Student

Stefanie Machado (she/her) is a CGSHE Trainee and a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Stefanie’s doctoral research focuses on intersectional and structural determinants of im/migrant women’s healthcare access during COVID-19 and beyond. During her BSc and MPH, she explored healthcare access among im/migrants globally and in Canada, focusing on the experiences of international students and women with precarious immigration status. Stefanie has supported the IRIS Study since May 2018, when she joined CGSHE as an MPH Practicum Student. Her interests in im/migrant health and rights stem from her background as a South Asian im/migrant woman born and raised in the United Arab Emirates. Stefanie has completed internships in health promotion and global public health at the Island Sexual Health Society, Health Promotion Canada, and CGSHE/ University of California. At the federal level, Stefanie is a representative of the first Youth Advisory Group of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Locally she volunteers with the Pacific Immigrant Resources Society.