
Sarah Moreheart (she/her)

SFU PhD Student

Sarah Moreheart (she/her) is a CGSHE Trainee and a doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University, supervised by Dr. Shira Goldenberg and Dr. Kanna Hayashi. She is a Canadian Graduate Doctoral Scholarship (CIHR) recipient. Her PhD project is nested within UBC’s AESHA Project and focus on evaluating innovative and low-threshold health and social support models for sex workers. Sarah previously worked as the Research Coordinator for the AESHA and SHAWNA projects, overseeing the day-to-day research operations of the research cohort teams. Prior to her work with UBC, Sarah worked in and then managed a transitional housing program for women in the Downtown Eastside. The housing program was the first supportive housing program for at-risk women in Canada that screened women in, not out of the program based on the complexities of their needs, and the residents represent the most marginalized members of the community. Sarah has supported the rights of sex workers for over a decade and had the honour to be present in 2013 at the Supreme Court of Canada to hear the arguments on why the laws were unconstitutional and results in a risk of serious harm and death to marginalized women. Sarah’s previous experience with peer-led initiatives, working with experiential staff, and supporting the human rights of sex workers is in alignment with the values and aims of research unfolding at CGSHE. Outside of work, Sarah can be found buried in a book, doing puzzles, or exploring online cat videos. She is @cameagesarah on Twitter.